Combined assembly and council meetings are the first Monday of the month at 7 pm

The Fourth Degree
Each degree’ of the Knights of Columbus is associated with a particular virtue, the fourth being “Patriotism”. Consequently, the 4th Degree is often known as ‘The Patriotic Degree’.
It was established in New York on 22 February, 1900. The requirements for joining the 4th are that a brother Knight must have been a third degree member in good standing for at least one year, be an exemplary Catholic, and be of sound citizenship of his country.
The Fourth Degree is frequently regarded as an honorary title with it’s regalia of tuxedos, capes, chapeaux and swords but should rather be thought of in terms of service to church and country, and the goals of the Fourth Degree may be summarised as the promotion of the ideals of Catholicism and Patriotism side by side.
In more detail, these goals may be stated as:
To promote and strengthen the patriotic spirit of the civic community.
To educate its members, and others, both in the teachings of Holy Mother Church, and the history of our nation.
To promote by example the highest type of citizenship so necessary for the preservation and perpetuation of Republican form of government, and its democratic institutions.
To oppose dissemination and spread of doctrine dangerous to our form of government, and to the Divine law of faith and morality.
To support by word and deed, the duly constituted authorities of local, state and national government, and to recognize excellence in public life.
Therefore, it is not unusual to find Fourth Degree Knights participating visibly in church events, such as Eucharistic processions, and others, and in the community, standing up for the unborn and the elderly at Pro-Life events, and commemorating the sacrifices of previous generations on Remembrance Day.
Assembly 2751
Color Corps Commander, Joe Cardona, worked with the above group at a special training class in September, with plans for even more training scheduled in October. It would appear the “one year long delay” waiting for uniforms to be shipped is about over. We are looking forward to them putting the new uniform back up for sale shortly and hopefully at a discounted rate. The demand for this group is great and the more 4th Degree that join, and get trained in, the easier it is to answer the call for funerals and other Valley wide events for the Color Corps and Honor Guard. We have 27 from the Assembly with the new uniform and 8 currently using the old regelia. Training was held on the 6th and is scheduled for 9:00 AM on the 20th of October.

Fourth Degree Symbol

Fourth Degree emblem. The Fourth degree emblem consists of an Isabella cross with a dove flying downward towards a globe. The Fourth Degree emblem features a dove, a cross, and a globe. In the tradition of the Knights these symbols "typify the union of the three Divine Persons in one Godhead, referred to as the most Blessed Trinity." The red, white and blue are taken from the American flag and represent patriotism, the basic principle of the Fourth Degree. Styled with the continents of the western hemisphere in white, the blue globe represents God the Father. A red Isabella cross, for the queen who sponsored Columbus, serves as a symbol of God the Son. The white dove is a symbol of peace and and God the Holy Spirit. Columbus' name in Italian (Colombo) also means "dove."